RON Brancato

Wise Curator of Creative Clout

My desire to make a career out of art came after three years of college when I attended Graphic Careers in 1979, a one-year commercial art school located in Rochester, NY. While still a student there, I launched a sign painting business and after graduating in 1980 took time along the way to build my design and illustration portfolio. After a few years lettering signs, I went freelance as a graphic designer/illustrator and have since served large corporations as well as “ma & pa” businesses with successful solutions to their needs. 

I continue to innovate and remain relevant working side-by-side with Chris as we collaborate with each other through several strategic partners to deliver satisfying and profitable results for our customers. With my competencies of design, illustration and strong typography skills, I bring Idea Delivery many years of expertise in developing and launching corporate communication campaigns.

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